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Treatment cholecystitis 

In chronic forms of identifying cholecystitis specialist first thing appoints diet, a diet that is proper nutrition. To use is strictly not permitted smoked foods, spicy and fried, canned, sausages, sharp cheese, cocoa products, alcoholic drinks, sweet drinks. Be sure to introduce into the diet of porridge, cooked vegetables, vegetable soups, steamed fish and lean meat. By drinking allowed tea, juice, dairy products, mineral waters.

Also used in the treatment of cholagogue preparations, decoctions of herbs excretory bile, antispasmodic - for pain, antibiotics - some cases.

Not uncommon for use in therapy sensing. At the time of probing procedure, so it is also called, clean the biliary tract, thereby stimulating the flow of bile out of the bubble. Carried out blindly or promoschi probe, the first is more common, as it gives pauientu able to perform it at home.

Blind tyubazh

This methodology is assigned to only the doctor-gastroenterologist, as the number of its procedures strictly individually. Conduct tyubazh, without probe, it is recommended once or twice a week for two to three months.

Methods: fasting drink a glass of heated mineral water, on the right side and put a heating pad so relaxing during the hour and a half. After the method gives a positive result of the stool can go green, this is evidence of bile impurities.

However, remember that if cholecystitis is caused by gallstones - the formation of stones in the gall, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, because it will need to treat it.

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