About liver disease
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Gall bladder: the disease and its treatment

Under the human liver is the gall bladder - this is an important digestive organ. The main body of the task - to display the bile via the bile ducts. In a healthy person takes in knocks education about two liters of bile. The accumulation and concentration of the liquid occurs in the gallbladder, where bile on channels into the intestine to improve absorption of fats.

The walls of the ducts and the gallbladder can be reduced by having a muscular layer, thus helping to promote bile. Biliary dyskinesia - a disease that is formed when a failure occurs in these reductions. This disease is benign, but its progression can lead to gallstone disease - the formation of stones in the liver.

 Gallstone disease - the formation of gall stones and ducts. This liver disease is common enough, it is most often faced by people who are overweight.

Acute cholecystitis - blockage of the bile ducts. This state is dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization and surgery further.

Chronic cholecystitis - a consequence of the progressive course of gallstone disease.

Treatment of gall bladder disease should be carried out under the supervision of a physician gastroenterologist. Only in this case, it is possible to obtain an effective treatment, and avoid the complications of the disease. In the case where the therapeutic treatment does not result can be assigned to surgery. When surgery is assigned to an operation to remove the gallbladder.

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