About liver disease
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Cirrhosis Treatment

Cirrhosis - a very serious and dangerous disease of the chronic form of liver. During the course of the disease there is liver cell destruction, as well as scar formation in place of cells, resulting in impaired functionality important organ such as the liver. By the development of the disease not infrequently results in the systematic use of alcohol does not control the amount, which leads first to the viral hepatitis, which eventually become chronic, and then flow into cirrhosis. By the development of cirrhosis of the liver cause parasitic liver disease, chronic heart failure, etc.

Cirrhosis of the liver - a very insidious disease, which can develop and progress in a latent form for many years. The first symptoms of the disease symptoms are very similar to many others.

The most important thing you need to know about the treatment of cirrhosis - cirrhosis cure is not possible. Since during the course of the disease is the destruction of kidney tissue cells, which can not be reversed, despite the fact that the liver is the most capable to regenerate the human body. However, the treatment is carried out by different methods and address the symptoms of the disease. Also used for the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver transplant.

However, initially held the patient diagnosis, and after the identification of the stage of cirrhosis and is assigned to a complex treatment. It is important to cirrhosis, as well as in other diseases of the liver, to a regime of proper nutrition.

In alcoholic cirrhosis is the treatment of alcohol addiction, if cirrhosis has become a consequence of hepatitis, then held his treatment, as well as if it's toxic cirrhosis, there shall identify cause and getting the toxins and the full limit of the patient from them.

When the disease is established cirrhosis limitation of physical load on the body, and in the active stage of cirrhosis assigned bed rest, as being in a horizontal position improves liver blood supply that leads to the top of the recovery process.

Appointed medical treatment drugs for the metabolism of liver cells membranes. Cirrhotic patients prescribed blood products, electrolyte solutions. Apply enzymes to improve the body's metabolism.

However, it should be remembered that cirrhosis of the liver - it is an incurable disease. In the most difficult cases, a liver transplant is done, but even that does not guarantee full recovery of the functions of the body work. But the observance of all rules and prescribed by a doctor decides to destructive processes.

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