About liver disease
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Liver disease

The human body is such an organized manner that always allowed its bodies divided in two groups: topical and significant additional. Human Liver uniquely belongs to a group of actual meaningful, that is, essential. This is due to its importance in ensuring the viability of the organism. Liver - a strong perenhimatozny unit linking the functions of the digestive gland and specific laboratory for biochemical processes.


In the category of liver disease include various types of destruction of structures that could not go beyond the anatomical boundaries of the body. It is formed by hepatocytes hepatic lobules, bile ducts and blood vessels inside of the body.

Groups of human liver diseases

  • The defeat of the liver cells due to the primary inflammatory processes.

These include viral and Toxic hepatitis, liver enlargement without reason, adipose steatosis, steatogepatoz, abscesses and tuberculosis liver disease.

  • Diseases of the liver vessels

Venous thrombosis, pylephlebitis, increased pressure in the portal system in cirrhosis, liver pathology between the vessels.

  • tumors;

The accumulation and the formation of blood vessels in the form of tumor - hemangioma, liver cysts, liver cell cancer, sarcoma, liver cancer internal ducts.

  • Pathology and anomalies that are transmitted by the genetic code, by inheritance;
  • The defeat of the liver due to the violation of other bodies;

These include liver congestive heart failure, as well as in leukemia hepatomegaly.

  • Autoimmune liver disease

Includes all pathology destruction of liver cells of the human immune system.

Remember that each violation of the liver in the case of its development is completed cirrhosis and the accompanying one of the steps hepato-tsellyularnoy failure. By this the detection of any liver disease requires immediate treatment to a specialist.

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